How to create a portfolio website through GauravGo ?

What is Portfolio website ?

Your personal website serves as your portfolio, where you may showcase your artistic or professional endeavours. Whether you're an artist, a hobbyist, or a professional photographer, how others view you as a photographer literally depends on your portfolio.

How to create a Portfolio website through GauravGo ?

GauravGo provides many ways by which you can create your own portfolio website .

        If you don't have any code then also you can create your own portfolio website .Follow these methods for creating your own website .

  1. Go through .
  2. Click on User Panel and login yourself through your email id and password .
  3. Here is your dashboard and scroll down your device and click on your Web hosting type .
  4. Here is your managing prototype . Scroll down your screen and Click on Gauravgo site builder . 
  5. Here are some templates . For creating a portfolio website click on personal page and click on Adrian Black .
  6. Here by making some minor changes you can create your own Portfolio website .
  7. After doing your all changes click on Publish .
  8. For visiting your website go through your domain name .

        If you have your own personal language code . Then also you can publish your code through GauravGo .Follow these methods for creating your own website .

  1. Go through .
  2. Click on User Panel and login yourself through your email id and password .
  3. Here is your dashboard and scroll down your device and click on your Web hosting type .
  4. Here is your managing prototype . Scroll down your screen and Click on login to control panel . 
  5. Here is the dashboard of GauraGo . On the left corner click on File Management .
  6. Click on File Manager . 
  7. Click on public_html .
  8. Here by deleting all the old files upload your own code file .
  9. Here your code has been uploaded on internet . For visiting your website go through your domain name .

For detail information go through this video .

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